Saturday, March 10, 2012

Bid Day!

On February 13th, we welcomed 41 new members to the Pi Delta chapter! Congratulations, Spring '12! We are so excited to have you!

Tell Me About It! Leadership Academy 2012

This semester, we were fortunate enough to send two of our members to AOII's annual Leadership Academy at international headquarters! The weekend focused on the networking and public relations side of our organization and was a perfect reminder that we are always wearing our letters! Pi Delta's VP of Communications and Risk Manager returned to UMD with some fantastic ideas for our chapter and tons of great stories about their experiences. Can't wait for next year!
Pi Deltas Rachael Toms (left) and Megan Perry (right) with AOII's International President, Allison Allgier!

A Life Remembered

Rest in Peace, Michaella. We all love and miss you more than you know. Alpha love forever <3 

For more about Kayla's story, click here.